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The Universal Joys of Spray Painting

The New York Times ran a story this week about a set designer who rescues and refurbishes junky furniture.  Online there’s a slide show of her spray painting a hairpin chair on a city street.  What she came up with isn’t Earth-shattering, but it is sorta cool:

I give her extra points for accomplishing this on a city street and for making the comment that she avoids heavily upholstered pieces to keep from getting bedbugs.

When I lived in New York I never attempted spray painting on the street.  Now that I’ve got loads of space of my own, I can pretty much spray paint whatever I want.  Like today, I am spray painting these white planter boxes my mom found either at an estate sale or discarded in some Amarillo alley:


All my house trim is white vinyl, so I wanted these to be not white.  I thought maybe a really dark blue would be nice.  I bought Krylon “navy” blue plastic spray paint, but this appears more cobalt:


I like the result, they are sort of modern this way.  Here’s one filled with some begonias I’ve been really lazy about planting:
