Landscape Planning Challenges

This is a diagram that shows the layout of my backyard.  I’m contemplating expanding my deck but am limited by the location of the A/C compressor, the plumbing cleanouts and the giant live oak tree.  It appears to me the only solution is to extend it toward the back fence.

Here’s what this looks like now:


It’s a bit of a mess, isn’t it?  I think there may be a bird nesting in that nook between the eave and the aluminum roof.  The excess wires are an issue too.  The lowest ones are the cable and phone wires.

In addition to cleaning it all up, I plan to remove the porch roof and short brick walls, leaving perhaps part of the wall where the A/C is to screen and act as a bench.  If I extend the deck it would probably be at the same height as the concrete porch and made from composite decking.

If anyone has suggestions or deck wisdom they’d like to share please do.

2 responses to “Landscape Planning Challenges

  1. That is a great looking wheelbarrow. Where would one get one of those?

  2. My parents first house was very close to downtown Houston. There was a sliding door to the back yard with a weird step down so they added a deck. They got an architect friend to help who decided putting in a square deck at a 45 angle to the back of the L-shape house would be cool. My mother loathed it. By her description it sounds awful. My only memories of it are tons of really bad splinters everytime I went out there.

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