Daily Archives: December 29, 2007

Waiting for the birds

bird feeder closeup, originally uploaded by espeedy123.

Yesterday I put up this bird feeder my Dad gave me. It’s situated right outside the house in clear view from the kitchen table, so I am expecting a good show.

Coming up on 24 hours, and no takers yet.

If you have a feeder, I’m interested to know how long it took your birds to arrive, and if there are any special techniques you suggest for getting them to show up sooner. I am an impatient bird watcher!!

How to update a light fixture on a $3 budget

porch-fixture-before-2.jpg porch-fixture-after-2.jpg

Porch lamp before and after.

Isn’t spray paint great?!  I could kick myself for not having taken a better before photo, but you get the idea.  The porch lights on either side of my door were dingy brass.  I removed them, cleaned them up, and spray painted them in a black semigloss finish.  They look a lot better now — the difference is more dramatic than the photos show.  And all for a $3 can of paint.

There is a house across the street from me with similar fixtures in white that just scream for a new look.

Do you have something you’ve spray painted that looks a lot better now?  Please comment!