Daily Archives: May 2, 2008

Another tomato season, another tomato gizmo

I wrote a short, product-focused piece for today’s Dallas Morning News about tomato growing contraptions. Of course it includes the Topsy-Turvy upside down planter. I talked to a Topsy Turvy PR rep, and he said the guy who invented it lives in Tennessee. I wonder if he’s a millionaire. I wonder what his backyard looks like. I picture it an odd Super-Mario-esque video game world.

The coolest, newest, item I’d never before seen is called the Ooze tube, sold by my buddy Lars at Clean Air Gardening. What a good idea! A big bladder that holds 40 gallons and drips slowly to water a row of plants. At $30, it seems quite reasonable too.

My second favorite item is the tomato trellis clip from Johnny’s Seeds. This is a simple idea, but I can see how they’d be very handy to have.

Here’s my first set of tomatoes, grown without gizmos I might add…

First tomatoes of the season